The numbers aren’t changing. It’s something that’s impacting 21 million people in the U.S., yet only 10% are getting the help they need. What are these concerning numbers about? Addiction. The number of drug overdoses in the country have more than tripled over the last 30 years according to statistics. These aren’t the only high numbers. How does $600 billion sound? That’s the amount of money drug and alcohol addictions cost the U.S. each year. One thing that is for sure, it doesn’t discriminate against where you live.
A recent analysis from Grand Canyon University looked into the cities with the greatest need for addiction counseling. They looked at factors such as unemployment rate, the number of substance abuse counselors available per 100K people, number of opioid prescriptions per 100 people, job quotient for substance abuse counselors, number of local alcoholics anonymous and narcotics anonymous meetings per 100K people, number of substance abuse treatment facilities per 100K people, number of drug labs and dumpsites per 100K people, and number of drug arrests per 100K people.
The analysis found that Las Vegas, NV is the city with the greatest need for addiction counseling. The city has both the highest unemployment rate and highest number of drug arrests per 100K people throughout the country. Following them is Oklahoma City, OK. Contributing factors for OKC included having the second highest number of opioid prescriptions per 100 people in the nation. Rounding out the top three is Buffalo, NY, who has the second highest number of drug arrests per 100K people. Some states are working with addiction charities, such as BRC who offer addiction treatments in Austin and throughout Texas. But more support is needed across the country.
When looking at states as a whole, Arkansas (1) and Tennessee (2) are the top two states with the greatest need, and it’s noted that they are right beside each other on the map. The neighboring states are both in the top 10 for opioid prescriptions per 100 people, drug abuse violations per 100K people, and the number of drug labs and dump sites per 100K people. Nevada rounds out the top three, which homes Las Vegas, the city with the greatest need for addiction counseling. Along with it’s unemployment rate and drug arrests, it has the lowest job competition for addiction counselors.
The biggest takeaway from this analysis is that no matter where you live, help is still needed. While some cities are seeing addiction more, it’s a problem that doesn’t discriminate against state lines. But overall, addiction is very much alive and ongoing in the U.S.
You are reading Recent Analysis Finds Which Cities are Facing the Greatest Need for Addiction Counseling