
What Type Of Diet Should Be Followed By Diabetes Patients?

Currently, The Disease Which Has Affected Many Individuals Is None Other Than Diabetes. Diabetes Is A Metabolic Disorder. In This Disease The Islets Of Langerhans Particularly The Beta Cells, Which Helps In The Production Of Insulin Gets Affected. Insulin Is A Hormone Which Helps To Maintain The Blood Glucose Level. Incidence Ratio Of This Disease Is Slightly More In Males Than Females. The Prevalent Number Of These Metabolic Disorders Have Been Increased Due To Improper Dietary And Lifestyle Habits. In Ayurveda Diabetes Is Called As ‘Prameha’ Or ‘Madhumeha’. Prameha Is A “Kapha Pradhan Tridoshaj Vyadhi” In Which The Person Shows Symptoms Like, Polyurea, Polydipsia, Polyphagia, Burning Sensation In Hands And Feet, Excessive Sweating, Sweet Taste In Mouth Etc.


Before Understanding The Diet Plan And Dietary Habits Of This Disease, Let Us Glance Over The Causative Factors. The Reason Is – Our Ancient Classics, Which Were Written Decades Ago, Has Explained Our Unhealthy Or Bad Lifestyle As The Main Cause For This Disease. Here, The Bad Lifestyle Includes – Our Unwholesome Diet And Daily Routine Etc.

As Per Our Classics:


The Meaning of This Quote Goes As:

Asyasukham – Individuals Who Used To Sit For A Long Time And Not At All Performing Any Physical Workouts Like Following A Sedentary Lifestyle, They Are Prone To Develop Diabetes.

Swapansukham – Used To Sleep For Long Hours, Especially In The Day Time.

Dadhini – Excessive Consumption of Curd.

Gramyaodak – Excessive Intake of Foods Which Are Readily Available in Villages like – Butter, Curd Etc.

Anuparasam – Excessive Consumption of Seafood.

Payamsi – Excessive Consumption of Milk Products.

Navannapana – Consuming Newly Harvested Food Items.

Gudavikritam – Excessive Consumption of Sweet Items.

“Individuals Indulging In Excessive Consumption Of These Kinds Of Products And Following The Unwholesome Regimens And Already Possesses Kapha Prakrti, May Prone To Develop A Disease Which Is Kapha Predominant, Named ‘Prameha’.

Diet Plans Depend Upon:

Treatment, Management, And The Diet Plan Of This Disease Depends On The Type Of Person Who Has Been Affected.

As Per Treatment Aspect Prameha Patient Is Categorized As –

  1. Sthool Pramehi (Obese Patients)
  2. Krisha Pramehi (Debilitated Patients)


In Sthool Diabetic Patients – We Need To Follow The Treatment As Well As Diet Chart Which Helps To Reduce Their Obesity. A Detox Type Of Diet Should Be Planned For These Patients.

On the Contrary, Patients Who Became Lean They Need To Take Diet Which Helps To Strengthen Their Body. Here, Rejuvenation Therapy Is Also Required. So The Diet Plan Also Varies For Both Categories.

What Kind of Diet Should Be Followed? (Pathya Ahaar)

Our Ancient Classics, Clearly Mentioned That A Person Has To Follow Pathya Ahaar Throughout His Life, Otherwise He May End Up With Some Disease. Pathya Ahaar Is Defined As – A Diet Which Is Wholesome To Individuals According To Their Prakrti. Here, The Foods Which Will Not Vitiate The Dosha, Which Has Predominantly Constituted An Individual’s Body, That Type Of Food Will Be The Pathya Ahaar For Oneself For Whole Life.

In our classical reference – Charak Samhita, – ‘Scholar Charaka’ had mentioned the foodstuffs which help in treating and maintaining the condition. They are –

1. Yava (Barley/ Hordeum Vulgare) – Barley Is A Cereal Which Has Kashaya And Madhura Rasa, Cold In Potency, Then Also Digestive End Product Will Be Pungent In Taste This Is A Required Rasa To Pacify Madhumeha. It Possesses Properties Like Agnivardhana (Increases Digestive Fire At Cellular Level I.E Bhootagni. This Bhootagni We Can Correlate With Insulin), Lekhana (Does Scraping Action) And Dosha Anuloman (Eliminate Out The Vitiated Doshas).

How To Use:

Yava can be used in form of a gruel, chapati, pudey etc.

  • Mudga (Moong Daal / Green Gram) –As This Is Very Light Food, It Can Be Easily Digestible, Also It Will Not Elevate The Blood Sugar Level, Because It Is Not A Carbohydrate And Fat Rich Food. Moong Daal Or Moong Daal Soup, Or Moong Daal Khichari Can Be Taken On The Regular Basis.
  • Toor Daal (Cajanus Cajan) or Also Called As Arhar Daal
  • Chana Daal (Bengal Gram) These Pulses Are Very Light To Digest Can Also Be Taken.
  • Tikta Shaka (Bitter Vegetables) Like – Karela (Bitter Gourd), Patola (Pointed Gourd), Methika ( Fenugreek ), Shigru (Drumstick), Bimbi (Kundru), Lashuna (Garlic). All These Are Bitter Vegetables, They Should Be The Part Of Your Diet, and You Can Take Them In Various Forms Like Soups, Sabzi Etc.
  • Purana Shali (Old Rice) –Mostly Rice And Rice Products Are Restricted But Shashtika Shali Or Puran Shali Is A Variety Of Rice Which Is Advised.
  • Odaan (Wheat)-In Grains Wheat, Bajra Can Be Used.
  • Taila (Oils) – In Oils Sarshapa Taila (Mustard Oil), Atasi or Alsi Oil (Linum Usitatisimum) or Olive Oil Is Useful.
  • Madhu (Honey) –Honey Has Lekhana Property So It Will Be Helpful.
  • Some Other Food Items Can Be Included In Diet – Tulsi (Basil), Haldi (Turmeric), Amla (Indian Gooseberry), Adrak (Ginger), Hing ( Asafoetida ), Marich (Black Pepper), Pippali (Pipper Longum), Saindhava Lavan, Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia). They Can Be Taken In The Form Of Decoction, Powder Etc. For Example, Haldi Can Be Used By Boiling In Milk, Amla In The Form Of Powder, And Ginger, Tulsi, Giloy Can Be Taken In Form Of Kadha Or Juice Extracts.
  • Fruits Which Are Advised Are – Jamun, Anaar (Pomegranate), Apple, Orange, Kiwi, Papaya. Etc.

There Is A Reference For Non-Vegetarian Consumption – Individuals Have to Reduce Them and Avoid Seafood’s, But Egg White, Chicken And Meat Soups Can Be Taken.

Avoid (Apathya Ahaar)

  • All Diabetic Patients Should Reduce Sugar Intake. Along With That, They Have To Reduce The Intake Of Food Which Are Sweet In Taste, Heavy Indigestion, All Junk Foods. Junk Food Contains Maida (White Floor) Which Directly Affects The Pancreas.
  • Avoid Milk Products Like- Cheese, Curd etc. As They Are Considered Under Abhishyandhi Ahaar, Which Blocks Channels. But Takra (Buttermilk) Can Be Taken, As It Is Light To Digest And A Good Appetizer.

“Make Yoga and Physical Exercises as a Part And Parcel of Life.”


About the Author

Dr. Vikram Chauhan, MD – Ayurveda Is An Expert Ayurvedic Practitioner Based In Chandigarh, India And Doing His Practice In Mohali, India. He Is Spreading The Knowledge Of Ayurveda Ancient Healing Treatment, Not Only In India But Also Abroad. He Is the Ceo and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Products, Planet Ayurveda Clinic, and Krishna Herbal Company

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