If you are one of the lucky ones to live in a state with icy, snowy winters, here are some ways to make living with those things semi-manageable.
From the day of the very first snow most of us who have lived through many a winter know that as magical as the snowfall seems, it also comes with its fair share of not-so-magical aspects.
Snow can be fun to ski in, make a snowman in, and have snowball fights in; but it’s not so fun to drive in, walk in, and pretty much everything else in.
But the reality is that if you live where there is winter that usually lasts a couple months it’s best to learn how to live with snow and ice and how to maneuver around it safely.
Here are five ways to manage living with the snow and ice this winter to help you stay safe and survive to see springtime and warmth again.
1. Always be prepared
Winter months mean unpredictability when it comes to weather and what that weather will do, so it’s best to always be prepared should anything happen.
In your home make sure to have plenty of blankets, candles, food storage, and firewood just in case you get snowed in and there are power outages. Make sure to have these same types of supplies in your car as well just in case something should happen while you are driving.
You can even take it a step further by having things like a backup generator or radio in case you need to call for help and can’t get out of your house.
2. Clear the snow when possible
For your safety and sanity this winter, make sure to keep your driveways and sidewalks clear of snow and ice so you don’t slip and can leave your home easily.
Make sure to spread things like snow salt to keep ice from forming where you frequently walk and try to shovel the snow daily as well.
If the amount of snow seems too much to handle, you can get snow removal with The Yard Butler or another snow removal service in your area.
3. Be very careful when driving
Winter driving can be extra perilous because of things like black ice or whiteouts so make sure to take extra precautions when driving in the winter
If you have to drive make sure to do so when it’s light outside when possible, especially considering the days are shorter in the wintertime.
If you are driving and it starts to snow, make sure to drive slowly and pay attention to the other drivers around you. If you start to spin out on ice make sure to not turn your wheel and just let the car go until it stops.
Also, carry things like a car 72-hour kit that includes things like reflectors and flares.
4. Always check the weather
The nice thing about the day and age in which we live in is that we have access in several different ways to check what the weather forecast will be daily and weekly, and in the in the wintertime, it’s best to always know what that will be.
By checking the weather forecast you can prepare for things like storms and heavy snowfall and if needs are deciding if you need to stay home from things like work or school.
5. Bundle up
Making sure you are wearing dry and warm enough clothing in the winter is really important especially if you know you are going to be spending significant time outside in the cold.
Make sure you have enough layers and that your jacket is well insulated. Wear things like scarves, hats, and gloves to ensure your extremities aren’t exposed to the cold.
If you are outside and get wet, make sure you can change and get dry clothes on because if you are in wet clothes too long in the cold you run the risk of getting frostbite.
You are reading 5 ways to manage living with snow and ice this winter