If you need a cable for something you have two choices, purchase a cable a manufacturer, or get a custom cable made.
In some circumstances, a custom cable can seem excessive, but in many cases, you’ll find the benefits of custom cable assemblies far outweigh the convenience and lower cost of the standard cables.
Before you make a decision on a custom cable casing provider or a standard offering, think about what you intend to use the cables for and what the failure rate has been like in the past. This should help you to decide the right path to take, and you’ll find custom wins more times than you expect. That’s because there are an array of benefits:
If you need the cable to handle specific loads and operate in difficult conditions then you need a custom cable that is designed for that exact purpose.
All you need to do is calculate the specs you require and the custom cable provider will give you the exact cable and casing you need.
The great thing about having a cable designed to your exact specs is that if there is an issue, you have a company to go back to and they will be responsible.
Every cable works better if there are no breaks or connections in it. Having a custom cable means that it can be made to the exact length you want, improving the signal quality and the accuracy of data transfer.
Cables generally need to fit around the structure of a building. This means they need to be flexible and supple enough to move around the walls without damaging the signal.
Fortunately, when you’re having a cable custom made it’s much easier to ensure everything is taken into consideration and the cable will fit exactly where you want it to.
The shielding on your cable is important to ensure it does its job properly. The type of material used for this shielding will depend on where the cable is being used, but, by using a custom supplier, you’ll be able to define the criteria and get a cable capable of withstanding even the harshest conditions on the planet.
High Performance
With so much at stake, the company supplying the cables will undertake rigorous testing to ensure the cable lives up to expectations. This doesn’t just mean that you can have confidence in the cable. You’ll also find that, because it is designed for the environment, it lasts better than standard cables. In fact, in the medium-to-long term, the custom cable should outlast the standard cable and may even become cheaper than replacing the standard one.
It’s also worth noting that a custom cable assembly can be made to carry multiple signals, allowing you to complete several different tasks with just one cable. This helps the cable to be more affordable and makes it more useful/ cost-effective.
Every cable will be labeled regarding what it can do and you’ll probably find that the manufacturer is happy to adjust the color to suit your specific needs.
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