People are not perfect and they definitely don’t always see eye to eye. In some cases, it’s easy to shrug off the issue and keep going with your life, but in others, the offense is too big to be ignored. In these situations, many people turn to a judge and jury to decide who is right and who is wrong, but that isn’t the only solution. If you’re in need of help with an issue, but don’t want to leave your fate in the hands of someone else then you might want to consider hiring a mediator.
Possibly one of the greatest things about using mediation services is that your fate will not be decided by a judge or jury. No matter how correct you think you are there is no guarantee that a judge will side with your case. A mediator is not there to pass judgment but instead to help you and the other party work through your problems and come to a resolution that works for both of you.
Also, you can take comfort in knowing that your mediator has no vested interest in the case. Their paycheck is not reliant on the outcome of your situation so they will be fair and help both parties search for a result that is equally beneficial.
Because the mediator is there to help both parties leave the table feeling comfortable about the decisions that have been made, both parties are able to be a little more creative with how they want to resolve the issue. This gives you the freedom to make suggestions and counter-suggestions knowing they will be listened to and considered.
Attornies are not required for mediation so if you don’t feel one is necessary then there is no reason to spend money on that. For extremely complicated cases an attorney could be beneficial, but even then they are not required. Using a mediator will likely make the process much faster as well. With court, you have to wait weeks or even month for court dates, while with a mediator things often proceed much more quickly.
All information exchanged during mediation is completely confidential. There are also no requirements for evidence or witnesses. If you feel it will help you come to a speedy resolution then you are more than welcome to present anything that will help your case, but it is not expected of you.
This process will be whatever you make it. If you just want it to be you, the mediator, and the other party, that can certainly be the way things are done. Sometimes, just by sitting down and talking things over with an objective person in the room can help decisions to be made without making things complicated.
Most mediation cases are able to be solved without anyone having to go to court. Mediation is an effective way to settle disputes without having to spend an arm and a leg or making a public case of a private affair. Before you head straight to court consider mediation as an alternative to settling your dispute.
You are reading 5 Reasons to Use A Mediator and Avoid the Courts