There have been a number of misconceptions over the years about Type 2 diabetes which like urban legends, gather force until people begin to declare these myths as fact. Let’s have a look at the most common untrue facts and set the record straight when it comes to reversing type 2 diabetes.
People with Type 2 diabetes have to inject themselves
Diabetes is a disease caused when the insulin produced by the pancreas, which is needed to regulate the blood sugar levels in the body, is not working properly. When this happens not everyone immediately recognises that they have diabetes, but some of the common symptoms are being excessively thirsty, hungry, tired, going to the toilet more than usual, having skin lesions that don’t heal and blurred vision.
If someone is overweight, possess a sedentary lifestyle or hereditarily have type 2 diabetes run in the family, they can be at increased risk of having diabetes. However, this does not mean that they automatically have to inject themselves with insulin because they likely would still produce some insulin, although their body cells may have become resistant to it. Under medical supervision, with planned and managed treatment such as an evidenced-based low carbohydrate diet it is possible in many cases to reverse your diabetes so no injections are required.
People with Type 2 diabetes cannot eat sweets or have fizzy drinks
What happens when people drink highly sugared drinks or eat sweets is that these are taken into the system a lot quicker than carbohydrates. The body gets a surge of energy because there is spike in glucose levels in the bloodstream. If the insulin in the bloodstream is not working effectively this can cause problems. However, taken in small quantities and in combination with other foods as part of a healthy food plan, this slows the digestion down, meaning sweets can in fact be included but in a balanced diet.
Only overweight people can get Type 2 diabetes
Although obesity is one of the contributing factors to put a person at an increased risk, people who are not overweight are also at risk of having Type 2 diabetes. If there is a family history of the diabetes, or if the individual leads a sedentary lifestyle, these factors can lead to a high risk of diabetes. Someone can be within a suitable weight level but suffer from very high blood pressure which is another factor that could also put them at risk. For people who fall under these categories, it is important to discuss a personalised treatment plan for reversing pre diabetes.
Insulin can cure Type 2 diabetes
This is definitely not the case. As noted, the body still produces some insulin, but it may not be as effective. When the pancreas stops producing insulin altogether then insulin injections are required. However, there ways to reverse diabetes if it is managed properly and addressed in a timely manner. Insulin itself does not cure diabetes but controlling blood sugar levels through an evidence based low carb diet, with regular exercise and effective support can help reduce or eliminate medication needed for the diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes isn’t a serious illness
Left untreated or not controlled, there are a number of complications that can occur due to a rise in bad cholesterol, hypertension or high blood pressure. Strokes and kidney failure as well as damage to the blood vessels in the eye leading to irreversible damage to the sight are just some of the outcomes of Type 2 diabetes if it is not treated effectively. Nerve damage and vascular problems can also lead to limb amputation in severe cases, so this diabetes is always recommended to treated as soon as it is diagnosed.
Type 2 diabetes cannot be reversed
Diabetes is no longer a life sentence. The medical profession now knows much more about this disease, how to identify pre-diabetes and how to put plans in place to reverse diabetes. If you identify to be in a category of risk for diabetes, don’t wait for any symptoms to show but speak to a recognised medical professional to have your situation fully diagnosed.
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